Interior Design




The Hallway


The lasting impression

The entrance hall to your home is a wonderful opportunity to welcome and wow guests, it’s a lasting impression. It’s the opening scene of your play, it lures the audience into continuing the journey until the end and gives the first glimpse of your personality.

The Hallway’s the most important room in the home and sets the tone for the rest of the house.

Hallways are, of course, functional space and for that reason, they need care and imagination to be brought to life.

A hallway presents opportunities so for this project we decided to make the floor the focal point of the room, it being the statement piece!

We opened up the already big space with a large mirror that bounces the light around the hall and used a combination of recessed spots and pendants to break the symmetry by creating contrast.

A large bespoke oak wardrobe was installed to hide all manner of sins and making the space as open and un-clotted as possible. A careful balance of drama and ambiance, a room that should enhance rather than detract from the rooms they introduce.

A hallways primary role is to transition space and demanding a sense of anticipation.